Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP Phase 3)

This document describes an evaluation of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's (FCDO) COVID-19 Cash Transfer program in Kenya, which was designed to support vulnerable households in urban informal settlements during the pandemic. The program aimed to alleviate poverty and improve wellbeing by providing financial assistance through cash transfers, with a focus on women and households with disabled members. A mixed-methods approach, including surveys and feedback from beneficiaries and NGOs, was used to assess the program's effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency. The evaluation found that the program exceeded its enrollment target, was generally successful and cost-effective, and improved employment, income, and food security among beneficiaries. However, it faced challenges such as delays, data quality issues, and difficulties in reaching the most vulnerable. Beneficiaries adapted well to COVID-19 prevention measures, but the program's targeting and communication methods need improvement. The use of mobile money transfers was effective, but the program must consider alternative payment methods for inclusivity. The evaluation suggests enhancing government support for data quality, transparent targeting criteria, and coordination between stakeholders to improve response to future shocks. **This summary was written by an AI model and therefore should not be considered a definitive summary of the report. If you are aware of inaccuracies, please email**


Lead department
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Evaluation stage
A complete evaluation report
Other departments
No other departments listed
Evaluation types
Impact evaluation
Process evaluation
Impact methods
Generic research method
Process methods
Individual interviews
Surveys and polling
Grant information
This intervention is not distributing funding via a grant
Government Major Project information
This intervention is not a major project
No policies provided

Event Dates

Event Name
Publication of final results
Event date
October 2021

Evaluation Costs

Not provided

Evaluation sharing

Link(s) to published report(s)
Links to evaluation plans
No link provided
Links to published evaluations
Not provided
Permission to share confirmed