Job Start Payment: Evaluation

The Scottish Government's evaluation of the Job Start Payment program assessed its effectiveness in helping young people on low incomes transition into employment by covering initial job-related costs. The program targets 16-24-year-olds who have been unemployed and receiving benefits for at least six months. The evaluation used qualitative research, stakeholder interviews, and data analysis. Results showed that the program has a straightforward application process and has aided recipients with costs and confidence. However, challenges such as low awareness, confusing eligibility criteria, and a high rate of application denials were identified. Suggestions for improvement include better promotion and clearer guidance. The program positively affected recipients' social networks and family wellbeing, but its impact on long-term employment and strategic government objectives remains uncertain. The document recommends continued monitoring and policy adjustments to improve effectiveness, and provides detailed statistical data and research methodology in the annexes. **This summary was written by an AI model and therefore should not be considered a definitive summary of the report. If you are aware of inaccuracies, please email**


Lead department
The Scottish Government (The Scottish Government)
Evaluation stage
A complete evaluation report
Other departments
No other departments listed
Evaluation types
Impact evaluation
Impact methods
Theory-based methods
Theory-based methods
Grant information
This intervention is not distributing funding via a grant
Government Major Project information
This intervention is not a major project
No policies provided

Event Dates

Event Name
Publication of final results
Event date
September 2022

Evaluation Costs

Not provided

Evaluation sharing

Link(s) to published report(s)
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No link provided
Links to published evaluations
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