Green Social Prescribing in Camden and Islington

This document summarizes the evaluation of a green social prescribing pilot in Camden and Islington, part of the Future Parks Accelerator program aimed at enhancing physical and mental wellbeing by connecting people with green spaces. The evaluation employed qualitative methods such as co-design meetings, discussion groups, and interviews to assess the implementation process, experiences, and challenges. Findings suggest potential health benefits but also highlight difficulties in scaling up due to resource constraints, stakeholder engagement, and the need for clear outcome data. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the pilot by restricting activities, yet underscored the importance of green spaces for recovery. The report concludes with policy recommendations, stressing the need for community involvement and improved access to ensure the success of green social prescribing initiatives. **This summary was written by an AI model and therefore should not be considered a definitive summary of the report. If you are aware of inaccuracies, please email**


Lead department
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)
Evaluation stage
A complete evaluation report
Other departments
Home Office (Home Office)
Evaluation types
Process evaluation
Process methods
Individual interviews
Grant information
This intervention is not distributing funding via a grant
Government Major Project information
This intervention is not a major project
No policies provided

Event Dates

Event Name
Publication of final results
Event date
August 2021

Evaluation Costs

Not provided

Evaluation sharing

Link(s) to published report(s)
Links to evaluation plans
No link provided
Links to published evaluations
Not provided
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