Automatic Enrolment Evaluation Report 2017

This document summarizes the UK Department for Work and Pensions' evaluation of the Automatic Enrolment Evaluation Strategy, aimed at increasing private pension saving through measures such as automatic enrolment of eligible jobholders into workplace pensions, minimum contribution rates, and compliance regimes. The evaluation utilized existing information sources to ensure cost-effectiveness and involved a cross-government steering group with representatives from various departments and organizations. The strategy's effectiveness was assessed through seven key evaluation questions, focusing on employer compliance, the increase in individuals saving in workplace pensions, and the overall impact on retirement savings. The evaluation found that automatic enrolment has led to increased pension participation, particularly among protected groups, and has provided new business opportunities for the financial services industry. Costs to the government include compliance, communication, and administrative expenses, but future tax receipts from higher pension incomes may offset these. The evaluation strategy also includes a logic map to understand the policy's inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, and uses a variety of surveys and administrative data for ongoing monitoring. Annual reports measure the strategy's progress and aim to promote transparency and public participation in decision-making. **This summary was written by an AI model and therefore should not be considered a definitive summary of the report. If you are aware of inaccuracies, please email**


Lead department
Department for Work and Pensions
Evaluation stage
A complete evaluation report
Other departments
No other departments listed
Evaluation types
Impact evaluation
Impact methods
Theory-based methods
Theory-based methods
Realist evaluation
Grant information
This intervention is not distributing funding via a grant
Government Major Project information
This intervention is not a major project
No policies provided

Event Dates

Event Name
Publication of final results
Event date
December 2017

Evaluation Costs

Not provided

Evaluation sharing

Link(s) to published report(s)
Links to evaluation plans
No link provided
Links to published evaluations (DEBUGGING)
No final report link found.
Not provided
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