Reducing Parental Conflict Challenge Fund: Learning from the Second Phase of Delivery

This document describes an evaluation of the second phase of the RPC Challenge Fund, which was designed to reduce parental conflict and enhance outcomes for children by providing grants to ten organizations. The evaluation employed a comprehensive methodological approach, including theory of change, learning plans, and external evaluations, to measure the effectiveness of the funded projects. Despite encountering obstacles such as digital exclusion and the Covid-19 pandemic, the projects adapted and successfully engaged practitioners and families, improving awareness and communication among parents and reducing children's exposure to conflict. The evaluation also explored the effectiveness of social media marketing and the transition to online delivery, finding that small changes in language could boost user interaction and that while remote delivery offers flexibility, it also has limitations for those with complex needs. The RPC Challenge Fund has effectively built an evidence base for interventions supporting parents in conflict, leaving a legacy of resources and highlighting the potential of new delivery models. **This summary was written by an AI model and therefore should not be considered a definitive summary of the report. If you are aware of inaccuracies, please email**


Lead department
Department for Work and Pensions
Evaluation stage
A complete evaluation report
Other departments
No other departments listed
Evaluation types
Process evaluation
Process methods
Grant information
This intervention is not distributing funding via a grant
Government Major Project information
This intervention is not a major project
No policies provided

Event Dates

Event Name
Publication of final results
Event date
October 2021

Evaluation Costs

Not provided

Evaluation sharing

Link(s) to published report(s)
Links to evaluation plans
No link provided
Links to published evaluations (DEBUGGING)
No final report link found.
Not provided
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